When Death strikes it Creates a total disconnect in any family. – Abayomi Odunowo.

When Death strikes it Creates a total disconnect in any family. – Abayomi Odunowo.

The sudden death of a parent can be a devastating and rude shock for the family left behind. Not only does it create an emotional vacuum, but it also leaves behind a wealth of information and knowledge that was solely possessed by the deceased. This loss becomes particularly challenging when it comes to dealing with the practical matters of property, creditors, debtors, passwords, and other related issues.

In the aftermath of a parent’s death, the family is often left with the overwhelming task of not only grieving their loved one but also trying to navigate the complex legal and financial aspects of their estate. Filling in the blanks left by the deceased can be a daunting and exhausting process, as it involves managing the deceased’s assets and liabilities, settling any outstanding debts, and ensuring that their final wishes are carried out.

Furthermore, without access to passwords and sensitive information, the family may find it difficult to access important documents and accounts, which can further complicate the process of managing the deceased’s affairs.

This daunting reality is not unique to one family or location, but rather a shared experience across the country. The challenges associated with managing the funds and property of the deceased can lead to disputes and disagreements among family members, exacerbating an already difficult situation.

It is crucial for families to have open and honest conversations about financial and legal matters before a parent’s passing, in order to ease the burden on their loved ones and ensure a smooth transition in the event of their death. Additionally, seeking professional guidance and support can help alleviate some of the challenges associated with managing the estate of a deceased parent.

When considering the matter of what to leave behind after one’s passing, many people think of writing a will to outline their wishes for the disposition of their possessions and assets. However, in addition to this, it is also important to keep a daily diary to document your life and all the matters that require your attention.

Keeping a daily diary is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it serves as a record of your daily activities and plans, providing a valuable insight into your life and the events that have shaped it. It can also serve as a means of keeping track of the people that you owe and the circumstances surrounding these debts, as well as those who owe you and the details of their debts to you. This can provide important information for your loved ones to resolve these matters after your passing.

Furthermore, a daily diary can also serve as a log of any unfinished business or jobs in progress, which can be crucial for your beneficiaries to know about and potentially complete on your behalf.

it is important for individuals to not only consider writing a will, but also to keep a daily diary of their events. This can serve as a valuable resource for their loved ones to understand and resolve any outstanding matters after their passing.

Do you ever find that your kids seem completely disinterested in your life and what you do on a daily basis? It’s a common problem that many parents face in today’s fast-paced world. With the constant distractions of technology and the pressures of school and extracurricular activities, it can be difficult for kids to truly understand and connect with their parents’ lives.

But what if there was a way to bridge that gap and help your children understand where you are and how to move forward? With the wealth of information available today, it’s easier than ever to share your experiences with your kids in a way that resonates with them.

One of the biggest challenges parents face today is the disconnect between their children and themselves. Kids are often so caught up in their own lives that they don’t take the time to truly understand what their parents do and how it impacts the family as a whole. This lack of understanding can lead to conflict and frustration on both sides, as parents feel unappreciated and kids feel unheard.

With the help of technology, however, you can change that dynamic. Social media, blogs, and other online platforms make it easier than ever to share your experiences with your kids in a way that they can relate to. By creating a digital footprint of your life, you can give your children a window into your world and help them understand where you are and how to move forward.

For example, you could start a blog where you share your thoughts, experiences, and daily happenings with your kids. This could include everything from your work life to your hobbies and interests. By letting your kids in on your world, they can gain a better understanding of what you do and how it impacts them.

You could also use social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook to share photos and updates about your life. This visual approach can be especially effective in helping your kids understand where you are and what you’re doing. They can see firsthand the places you go, the people you interact with, and the things that are important to you. This can make your experiences more tangible and relatable to them.

Additionally, technology can also be used to facilitate more direct communication with your kids. You could use video calls, messaging apps, or even shared digital calendars to keep your children informed about your schedule, plans, and accomplishments. By involving them in your day-to-day life, you can show them how you navigate through the challenges and successes that come your way.

By utilizing these digital tools, you can help your children better understand where you are and how to move forward. This understanding can lead to greater appreciation, empathy, and connection within the family. It can also empower your children to learn from your experiences and apply those lessons to their own lives.

In conclusion, the digital age has given parents a powerful platform to share their experiences with their children. By leveraging technology, you can help your kids understand where you are and how to move forward. This can lead to stronger connections, better communication, and a deeper appreciation for the role you play in their lives. So, next time you feel like your kids are disconnected from your world, consider using the tools at your disposal to bridge that gap and bring them closer to you.

Otunba Abdulfalil Abayomi Odunowo
National Chairman AATSG
28th January, 2024