We are truly grateful to you from the depths of our hearts. By Abayomi Odunowo

We are truly grateful to you from the depths of our hearts.

Dear Prince Dapo Abiodun,

As true sons and daughters of Yewa, we are filled with gratitude and admiration for our indefatigable Governor, Prince Dapo Abiodun, CON, for his quick completion and commissioning of the Ilaro-Owode Road. This monumental achievement has been long overdue and has brought immense relief and joy to the people of Yewa land.

For 35 years, the Owode-Ilaro Road had been left in a state of disrepair and neglect, causing untold hardship and suffering to the residents of the area. The road was not only a source of frustration for commuters, but also a hindrance to economic development and growth in the region. However, with the visionary leadership and determination of Governor Dapo Abiodun, the once dilapidated road has been transformed into a modern, well-paved thoroughfare that connects communities and promotes ease of movement and commerce.

The completion of the 24.5KM Owode-Ilaro Road is a testament to Governor Abiodun’s unwavering commitment to infrastructure development and his genuine concern for the well-being of the people of Ogun State. Despite the challenges faced, he remained focused and determined to see the project through to completion, demonstrating his strong leadership and dedication to serving the people who elected him into office.

The significance of this road cannot be understated. It not only improves the quality of life for the residents of Yewa land, but also opens up opportunities for economic growth and development in the region. With a well-maintained road network, businesses can thrive, farmers can transport their goods more easily, and communities can be better connected with essential services and resources.

Governor Abiodun’s unwavering commitment to delivering on his promises and prioritizing the needs of the people is truly commendable. His administration has set a standard of excellence and accountability that is inspiring and uplifting to all who have witnessed his transformative leadership in action.

We, the true sons and daughters of Yewa, extend our heartfelt appreciation and congratulations to Governor Dapo Abiodun, CON, for his outstanding achievement in completing the Owode-Ilaro Road. We are immensely grateful for his dedicated service to our dear state and for his tireless efforts in improving the lives of its citizens.

We thank Governor Abiodun for his visionary leadership, his unwavering commitment to delivering on his promises, and his dedication to the well-being of the people of Ogun State. The completion of the Owode-Ilaro Road is a shining example of his exemplary governance and we are proud to call him our Governor. We have no doubt that under his leadership, Ogun State will continue to prosper and thrive for many years to come. Thank you, Your Excellency, for being a true champion of progress and development for our beloved state.

Otunba Abdufalil Abayomi Odunowo( aka YomiCash)
National Chairman AATSG.