The consequences of previous actions have now become evident. By: Abayomi Odunowo

The consequences of previous actions have now become evident.

By: Abayomi Odunowo

The recent announcement by the federal government demanding local government autonomy has shed light on a long-standing issue that has been plaguing Nigeria for years. It is no secret that the state governors, who are supposed to be the representatives of the people in each of the 36 states in the country, have been misusing and misappropriating funds meant for the development of the local governments. This has led to a lack of basic infrastructure, services, and opportunities for the people at the grassroots level, further exacerbating the already dire situation in the country.

The state governors have used the local government funds as their personal piggy bank, diverting money meant for projects that would benefit the people and lining their own pockets instead. This has led to a vicious cycle of poverty and underdevelopment in many parts of the country, as the funds that are supposed to be used for the betterment of the community are siphoned off by corrupt officials.

The federal government’s call for local government autonomy is a step in the right direction towards addressing this issue. By giving more power and control to the local governments, they will be able to better manage their funds and resources, and implement projects that will directly benefit the people they serve. This will also help in curbing corruption at the state level, as the governors will no longer have unchecked access to the funds meant for the local governments.

However, it is not surprising that the state governors are against this move, as it threatens their stranglehold on power and money. They have always viewed the local governments as nothing more than cash cows to be milked for their own benefit, and the prospect of losing that control is understandably frightening for them. But it is high time that the people of Nigeria stand up and demand accountability from their leaders, and ensure that the funds meant for their development are used wisely and transparently.

In addition to the issue of local government autonomy, the state governors have also come out with their proposed minimum wage, which falls far short of what the people need to survive in the current economic climate. With prices skyrocketing and inflation on the rise, the people of Nigeria are struggling to make ends meet, and the meager minimum wage proposed by the governors is simply not enough to cover basic necessities such as food, shelter, and healthcare.

It is clear that the state governors are out of touch with the reality of the average Nigerian’s daily struggles, and it is imperative that the people hold them accountable for their actions. The upcoming elections present an opportunity for the people to vote out those governors who have failed to prioritize the needs of their constituents, and elect leaders who will truly work towards the betterment of the country as a whole.

The chickens have indeed come out to roost, and the state governors must be held accountable for their actions. The call for local government autonomy and the demand for a fair minimum wage are just the beginning of the changes that need to be made in Nigeria in order to ensure a brighter future for all its citizens. It is up to the people to stand up and demand the transparency and accountability that they deserve, and to vote out those who have failed to uphold the trust placed in them. The time for change is now, and the people must not shy away from demanding it.

Otunba Abdulfalil Abayomi Odunowo.

National Chairman AATSG

Mobile: +2349053535322