The “30 days Good Citizen Challenge” is a program that must take place in Nigeria. By Abayomi Odunowo

The “30 days Good Citizen Challenge” is a program that must take place in Nigeria.

By Abayomi Odunowo

Have you ever stopped to think about the impact that each and every individual in a society can have on the overall progress and development of that society? As Nigerians, we often complain about the state of our country and blame the government for all our problems. But have we ever stopped to consider the role that each and every one of us plays in shaping the future of our nation?

Imagine if for just one month, from the 1st of October to the 31st of October 2024, all Nigerians made a concerted effort to be responsible citizens. What kind of progress could we make in just 30 days if we all came together with the common goal of building a better Nigeria? It may sound like a lofty idea, but just maybe, it could be the catalyst for real change in our country.

We Nigerians are the ones who are truly making our country difficult for ourselves. From corruption and dishonesty to lack of respect for the rule of law and disregard for the common good, our collective behavior is often our own worst enemy. But what if we all decided to set aside our differences and come together for the greater good? What if we all made a conscious effort to be better citizens, to follow the laws of the land, to respect one another, and to work towards a common goal of progress and development?

If we were all to commit to just one month of 100% good citizenship across the country, the possibilities are endless. Imagine if every Nigerian citizen paid their taxes honestly and on time, if every driver obeyed traffic laws and regulations, if every business operated ethically and responsibly, if every student took their education seriously, if every parent raised their children to be respectful and responsible members of society.

The impact of such a collective effort would be profound. We could see improvements in our economy as government revenue increased and funds were allocated more effectively. We could see a reduction in crime and corruption as people became more accountable for their actions. We could see an improvement in our infrastructure as resources were allocated more efficiently. We could see a boost in education and healthcare as more people were able to access these essential services.

But most importantly, we could see a shift in our national mindset. We could begin to see ourselves not as individuals with conflicting interests, but as a unified force working towards a common goal. We could begin to see the potential of our great nation and the power that we hold as citizens to shape its destiny.

Of course, one month of good citizenship alone will not solve all of our problems. But it could be the start of a new era in Nigeria, a time when we come together as one people, united in our desire for progress and development. It could be the beginning of a new narrative for our country, one in which we take responsibility for our actions and work towards a brighter future for ourselves and future generations.

So, let’s all pick just one month, from the 1st of October to the 31st of October 2024, to be responsible citizens. Let’s see the progress we can make in just 30 days when we come together with a common goal. Let’s show the world what Nigerians are truly capable of when we set aside our differences and work towards a brighter future for our country. Because in the end, it is only by working together that we can truly make a difference and build the Nigeria we all dream of.

Otunba Abdulfalil Abayomi Odunowo. AATSG
[email protected]